Kent Sanders

Reflections on Writing & Creativity

Do You Celebrate Your Wins?

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Since last August, I’ve been a part of the Total Life Freedom Community. This is a paid group led by Vincent Pugliese, who is the author of the excellent book Freelance to Freedom, as well as the host of the “Total Life Freedom” podcast. I highly recommend that you check out both of those, which you can access through

Every Friday in the Facebook group, Vincent asks us to share our wins from the previous week, as well as our major goal for the coming week. I have to admit that this was really uncomfortable at first. I wasn’t used to sharing my wins or honestly even thinking about them. I’m always thinking about the next thing I need to do, or the next goal I’m trying to reach.

I’m an eternal optimist, but when it comes to my wins and my accomplishments, I always focus on what’s missing, or what I HAVEN’T done. By asking us to post our weekly wins, Vincent has helped me to celebrate these wins and acknowledge the good things I’ve done, even if I don’t always think of them as huge achievements.

And in fact, it’s not about huge achievements. It’s very rare that anyone has a huge achievement in a vacuum. Big wins are almost always made up of a bunch of small wins we have accumulated along the way.

One of the reasons why we sometimes neglect to celebrate our wins is because most of our wins feel small in comparison to the wins we see from other people. I don’t know if you struggle with this, but most of the time when I’m scrolling through Facebook, Instagram, or LinkedIn, all I see are other people’s wins. It can be discouraging because we compare those big wins to our hyper-awareness of our own shortcomings.

But it’s vital to remember to everybody only posts their wins. I mean, how often do you actually post your failures? I don’t do this very often. In fact, I can’t think of the last time I made a point to post about something I messed up, or some way that I failed.

So remember that what you see is not a truthful representation of the whole picture. It’s only one slice of people’s lives. We’re not usually seeing the struggles, failures, shortcomings, mistakes, and downright stupid decisions that others make — and that includes me and you!

So with that in mind, I’m asking you: Do you celebrate your wins? If you don’t, I encourage you to do this on a weekly basis. You can do this on your own, or you can do it with a group of people, which is far more powerful.

Most people don’t celebrate their wins because they feel like it’s bragging or being boastful. But it’s not boasting if it’s the truth, right? There is a lot to be said for honestly acknowledging the good things we have done because it reinforces those things. We tend to repeat what gets reinforced in our lives.

Remember that the only race you’re running is the one against yourself. You’re not competing against anyone else. In this world of personal branding and entrepreneurship, you can be a category of one. So make sure to make note of your wins and celebrate them every week. It’s even better if you can do it on a daily basis. In fact—that’s a great idea! Starting today, I’m going to take note of my wins each day before I go to bed.

My question: Do you celebrate your wins? If so, how are you doing it?