Kent Sanders

Reflections on Writing & Creativity

My Review of Jeff Goins’ Tribe Conference

There are many ways you can grow your skills as an author: reading books and blog posts, listening to podcasts and audiobooks, attending meetups, or joining a mastermind group. These are relatively simple ways to improve your craft and are usually cheap or even free. But one of the most rewarding and impactful things you […]

Do You Need a Sabbatical?

The concept of a sabbatical has nearly been lost in our modern culture. Our technology allows us to stay connected 24/7, and many of us can do our work anywhere there is an internet connection. As a result, we have forgotten how to rest. Sabbaticals are still a reality in some academic settings. Likewise, some […]

10 Leadership Books That Will Help You Become a Better Artist

One of the core principles that guide my life is the value of learning from different disciplines. All the great creative minds in history drew from various areas of study that informed and enhanced their thinking. If you want to develop a great mind as well, one of the best places to start is by […]

An Artist’s Manifesto

A number of years ago, I sat down in my son’s bedroom late at night after he fell asleep. I was in my mid-30’s and intensely discouraged. As I began to pour out my thoughts, they took shape as a manifesto. I included this “Artist’s Manifesto” at the end of my book The Artist’s Suitcase […]

How to Create High-Quality Images for Your Blog Posts

I’ll be honest: one of my least favorite aspects of blogging is creating images. Graphic design has never been my strong suit, so selecting and manipulating images has always been something I’ve just tolerated. At the same time, images are an important part of the reader experience. As the saying goes, “A picture is worth […]

Will Your Art Outlive You? A Lesson from Gothic Cathedrals

When I came to teach at St. Louis Christian College in 2004, one of the courses I was assigned is Introduction to the Arts. It’s a basic survey course covering visual art, architecture, music, theater, and film from a Christian philosophical viewpoint. The area I knew the least about was architecture. I had always been […]

10 Career Questions for Creative Entrepreneurs (+ a Free Assessment)

As a creative entrepreneur, you have an endless number of career choices available to you today. These options can be a real blessing or a real curse. They can be a blessing because you can tailor-fit your creative work to fit your passions, gifts, and interests. But they can also be a curse because it’s […]

3 Reasons to Join the Summer Creative Challenge

Do you ever feel like your New Year’s goals are a distant memory by the time summer arrives? Me, too. Guilty as charged. There has been more than one summer when I’ve resigned myself to failure and said, “Eh, it’s too late now. Maybe I’ll tackle that creative project next year.” If you can relate, […]

How I Survived A Recent Bout of Depression

When I first considered writing this post, I hesitated for a bit. Would anyone really be interested in this topic? I mean, it’s not in my normal wheelhouse of creativity, productivity, or worship. But then I remembered that my previous post on depression had received a good deal of attention. A lot of people wrestle […]

How to Use Systems to Stay Motivated and Productive

Do you ever have trouble staying motivated and productive in your creative life? If so, you’re definitely not alone! My friend Cary recently sent me a question that expressed what many of us feel sometimes. He says: I have plenty of blog, podcast and video ideas floating around in my head. When I actually sit down […]