Kent Sanders

Reflections on Writing & Creativity

4 Questions to Help You Stop Drifting and Start Focusing

Note: This post is part of the “5 Cups of Creativity” series. For previous posts in the series, click here. The time I spent in grad school was one of the most exciting periods of my life. It was also one of the most dangerous. Once a week, I would drive about 100 miles to […]

4 Ways Gratitude Can Change Your Day … and Your Life

Today is Thanksgiving Day in the United States. It’s a day to gather with friends and family and reflect on the blessings of the past year. It’s wonderful to have an annual day set aside for giving thanks, but how would it impact our lives if we practiced it every day? That’s exactly what I’ve […]

The Real Reason You Feel Stressed Out, Confused, and Overcommitted

Note: This post is part of the “5 Cups of Creativity” series. For previous posts in the series, click here. One of my favorite activities to do with my son Ben is geocaching , which is a worldwide scavenger hunt requiring only the Geocaching smartphone app or a GPS device. I live in St. Peters, Missouri, a […]

The 5 Cups of Creativity

For the last couple of decades, I’ve devoted myself to helping people discover and use their creative gifts. In my various roles as a teacher, musician, writer, and editor, I’ve become convinced of one truth: we find the most joy, and we help the most people, when we are doing what we are born to do. […]

4 Life Lessons on My 42nd Birthday

Today is July 26, 2016—my 42nd birthday. As a kid, I would sometimes think with a sense of wonder, “When the year 2000 comes, I’ll be 26 … I can’t imagine being that old!” Today I’m many years past 26. Each year on my birthday I stop and take stock of what I’ve learned over […]

The Best Way to Spark Your Creativity

One of the dangers of getting older is that you fall into routines that are predictable and boring. No matter what type of work you do—creative or otherwise—this is going to happen unless you take steps to prevent it. If you’ve read my blog any amount of time, you know that I’m a full-time professor. […]

The Parable of the Purple Porsche

One day, a man sat at home fretting about the direction of his life. He was bored and reached for a book on his shelf that contained adventure stories. He read a story about someone who drove a purple Porsche from his small town to the big city and founds lots of success. The man […]

An Interview with Mike Roy, Visual Effects Artist

I’m excited to share an interview with my friend Mike Roy, founder of and a  visual effects artist. In his long-time work with a world-class creative studio, he’s contributed effects to such projects as Spy Kids 2 and the video for Katy Perry’s song Firework. Mike has been a freelancer and independent artist, creating […]

The Most Powerful Way to Jumpstart Your Writing

I’ve heard from various sources over that years that around 80% (or more) of people want to write a book. If that’s true, there is a massive gap between those who want to write a book, and those who have actually done it (or are doing it). What accounts for the difference? Why is there […]

5 Habits That Will Help You Be a Creative Rock Star

How was this past year? That’s the question everyone asks during the final days of the year. It’s certainly the question I was asking last December. And it’s a valid question, because if you don’t evaluate your success, you can’t improve. Like everyone, I had both wins and losses in 2015. Some of my wins […]