Kent Sanders

Reflections on Writing & Creativity

15 Questions That Make Artists Want to Pull Their Hair Out

Artists as a group are a pretty accommodating bunch. We take great joy in making things that are useful or delightful to others. Yet despite our best efforts, we are sometimes misunderstood. People ask questions that can range from the bizarre and laughable to the downright cynical. I recently asked this question on Facebook: If you […]

4 Things You Should Stop Doing This Year

Here at the beginning of the year, everyone is thinking about goals and resolutions.  But the real secret to having an awesome year is not in the things you’ll start doing. It’s in the things you should stop doing. The biggest temptation for artists is to be passive and not take action. Do you have […]

Don’t Let Fear Hold You Back

This is a guest post by Adrian Lance, who is an intern at Desperation Leadership Academy in Colorado Springs, CO. As a part of DLA he works with the annual Desperation Conference and co-leads a discipleship group within the program. You can connect with him on Facebook or Twitter. The number one thing that suppresses […]

A Reflection on My Successes & Failures in 2014

As we head into 2015, it’s vital to look back at the past year and see where you’ve been. In this post I want to share some reflections on my life in 2014 in hopes that it will challenge you think about yours. 2014 was a good year for me. In fact, in some respects […]

7 Quick Self-Editing Tips for Bloggers

This is a guest post by Blake Atwood, who is the author of Don’t Fear the Reaper: Why Every Author Needs an Editor and a few other books. He’s a full-time author, editor, and ghostwriter with Connect with him on Twitter @batwood. Write. Post. Repeat. Write. Post. Repeat. Blogging can be a maddening chore. If what […]

My New Book: 30 Days of Evernote for Churches

Today I’m very happy to announce that my new book, 30 Days of Evernote for Churches, is being released and is available for purchase from ChurchMag Press. It will soon be available as a Kindle book as well. Why I Wrote It Nearly three years ago, a pastor friend of mine asked for some pointers […]

7 Reasons You Should Write a Book

This week on the blog I’m focusing on writing. Today I’ll share why you should consider writing a book. Tomorrow I’ll share about my new book, 30 Days of Evernote for Churches, as well as some valuable bonuses for those who purchase it. Then on Thursday, my friend and editor extraordinaire Blake Atwood will share […]

Why I’m Downplaying My Book Launch in Response to Ferguson (and What I’m Doing Instead)

This week, three completely unrelated events have converged to present me with an odd conundrum and an interesting opportunity. The first is the Thanksgiving holiday, a time for Americans to pause and give thanks for all the blessings we enjoy. We focus on the good things we have in life rather than the things we […]

The Day I Walked Out of a Movie

In all my years of going to the theater, I have never walked out of a movie and asked for a refund. That is, until this past weekend. I have been waiting to see Interstellar for well over a year. The movie brings together two things I feel passionate about: Christopher Nolan’s films and the […]

Book Review: Are You Living or Existing? by Kimanzi Constable

Every couple of months I’ll find a catalog from an academic publisher in my college mailbox. Many times I’ll see a number of upcoming books that look intriguing. Other times I’ll see books that are written for such a specific audience, or on such a specific topic, that they are virtually guaranteed to never be […]